1. Top definition
        A lesbian who uses he/him pronouns, but is still a woman/woman-aligned. It is a common lesbian experience to feel disconnected from womanhood due to womanhood often being defined by relationships to men. Similarly to how lesbians often go by "masculine" names or present as a butch, a lesbian may refer to himself by he/him to express this disconnect from his gender. This is a historical concept and is a form of gender non-conformity that has been practiced for decades.

        Not to be confused with trans men, who cannot be lesbians because they are men. See also nonbinary lesbians.
        Lee is a he/him lesbian.
        My wife said he wants to start a garden.
        by 10000angrybees July 19, 2018
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        Jul 6 Word of the Day
        Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
        People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
        by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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        he/him lesbians arent real and cant be valid because if youre a lesbian you are a female yourself and he/him is lined with the male gender, and lesbians are women who like women
        "he/him lesbians are putting a bad name on the trans community"
        "yeah i agree, Tumblr needs to stop its shit"
        by knightoflight May 01, 2019
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        A lesbian who identifies most with he/him pronouns. Pronouns do NOT equal gender, and lesbians who use he/him pronouns are not men. Furthermore, he/him lesbians are not all non-binary, and can still be women and use he/him pronouns
        He/him lesbians experience of gender often stems from having a disconnect to womanhood, for example, compulsory heterosexuality.
        Person 1: I identify as a he/him lesbian.
        Person 2: Okay, you're valid because pronouns to not equal gender and the experience of lesbianism is not universally the same.
        by limepie May 10, 2020
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        Another identity made by Tumblr. A person who identifys with male pronouns but claims to be w|w.
        He/him lesbians can't be valid as they identify as male, which means they can't be a lesbian as it means woman + woman.
        by Entz December 21, 2018
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        A lesbian who uses he/him pronouns because they are most comfortable with those pronouns.
        He/Him lesbians should totally be respected or you're a lesphobe!
        by EbiManami April 21, 2019
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        A made up term my SJW's to try and validate women that use He/Him pronouns.

        He/Him lesbians are impossible because pronouns are gendered. Lesbians are homosexual women and you cant be a "he/him lesbian".
        Person A: I'm a He/Him Lesbian!
        Person B: So a straight guy?
        Person A: NO! I AM STILL A VALID WOMAN!!!!!
        Person B: Pronouns are gendered tho?
        by Your-Average-Neet May 26, 2020
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